Sunday, June 7, 2009

What is terrorism?

'Sup yo, Zubaidah here to update! :D

Wikipedia's definition of 'terrorism':

A policy or ideology of violence intended to intimidate or cause terror for the purpose of exerting pressure on decision making by state bodies.

So, from that, we can understand that terrorism is the use of violence to scare people or pressurise them about making decisions, usually between countries or religions. It can also be used to demonstrate unhappiness towards an issue.

The most popular form of terrorism is the Islamic terrorism. It is a form of religious terrorism done in groups or individualy. Obviously, the root motivation is from the Qu'ran which is the Islamic 'holy book', or from other Islamic sources. The well known Islamic terrorist is the Jemaah Islamiah (JI), and they have terrorised in ways of plane hijacking and suicide bombing.

The plane hijacking they did was that of the world known tragedy, the hijacking of four passenger jet. And they also crashed into the World Trade Centre in Americs on 11 September 2001 (my dad's birthday, tsktsk!).

Suicide bombing is where the attacker will be sent to the location to bomb the place. However, the attacker himself will die together. For example, the bomb will be strapped to his body.

Ok that's all for now. :\


Thursday, May 28, 2009

a comedy on terrorism. laughable!=)
hello girls, :D we'll be touching on our topic , "terrorism"
goodluck in searching for information!
Luvs, Serli.

this group consists of Serli,Jingwen,Shuhui,Reiting & Zubaidah.